The Historical Association organises
a wide range of lectures and other events, such as special
visits to places of historical interest, tours in the
United Kingdom and abroad and conferences.
Our events provide members' with the opportunity to
learn, engage and explore and often provide access to
places others cannot.
Current events are listed on this site and are regularly
updated. To get a flavour of what our events are like
please see the Past Events
Five reasons to go on a Historical Association tour!
- You travel with people of similar interests to
your own in a friendly, informal party. We make new
guests welcome and renew friendships from past tours.
- Places visited often include sites nor normally
open to the public, especially in England. Full programmes
still give time for individual exploration - and shopping!
- Accommodation is comfortable, with en suite facilities,
but without ostentatious luxury. We try to visit hotels
beforehand and now have trusted agents for foreign
tours who know our particular needs.
- Your leaders take great care in planning the tour
and have obtained knowledgeable guides and lecturers.
A comprehensive illustrated brochure and list of suggested
reading is sent out before each tour - but their are
no exams!
- We try to cost our tours competitively and any small
surplus will support the work of the Historical Association.